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Display and Imaging
Layers (Game API)

IO Reference


REQPUT (1) [W]

REQEND (2) [W]

Send a request to the IO chip byte by byte. Each byte of the request is sent by writing it into REQPUT. The request is processed when any value is written into REQEND.

REQRES (3) [R]

Result of the last issued request. 0 on success, != 0 otherwise. To simplify the code, it is common not to test it.



Send a request to the IO chip using DMA (Direct Memory Access). When a value is written into REQPTRLO, the two registers (LO for the offset, HI for the page) are used to point (PTR, for PoinTeR) to an area in memory where the request is stored. The area begins with two bytes (least significant byte first) storing the length of the request.

ENABLE (16) [RW]

Enable the drawing of: the background color, the background image, the console, and the layers. Default is 5 (1+4, BGCOL+CONSOLE).


FRMFPS (17) [RW]

Number of frames per seconds multiplied by 4 (e.g. 40, the initial value, is 10 fps).

FRMDRAW (18) [W]

Writing into FRMDRAW causes the CPU to be suspended until the current frame has been drawn.

GKEY0 (19) [RW]

GKEY1 (20) [R]

First write into GKEY0 to update the game keys latches, then read GKEY0/GKEY1 to find out the status of the gamekeys.


RANDOM (23) [RW]

On read: get a random number <= n (255 by default). On write: set n (if > 0), or swap the number generator (if == 0). There are two number generators: one (used by default) is initialized using the time at the start of the program, the other is initialized with a constant.

KEYBUF (24, 8 bytes) [RW]

The standard KeyPresses (the ones that can be represented by ASCII codes; usually only 0-9, # and *) are enqueued starting from KEYBUF; the rest of the buffer is filled with 0s. Write into KEYBUF to consume a KeyPress. If the buffer is full when a new key is pressed, that KeyPress is lost.



On read: get the dimension of the console (default: 10x4). On write: resize the console (0 = max size).

CONCX (34) [RW]

CONCY (35) [RW]

The console cursor (current console cell). CX < CONCOLS and CY < CONROWS. CONCCHR, CONCFG and CONCBG are relative to this cell.


The character code of the current console cell. Codes 32-126 are standard ASCII codes. Codes 161-255 are standard Latin1 codes. Codes 128-143 are non- standard line art codes (see bitmask below).

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 30       ! " # $ % & '
 40 ( ) * + , - . / 0 1
 50 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;
 60 < = > ? @ A B C D E
 70 F G H I J K L M N O
 80 P Q R S T U V W X Y
 90 Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c
100 d e f g h i j k l m
110 n o p q r s t u v w
120 x y z { | } ~
   T    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   T    |1|0|0|0|B|R|L|T|
LLLXRRR +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   B     1 6 3 1 8 4 2 1
   B     2 4 2 6

CONCFG (37) [RW]

CONCBG (38) [RW]

The foreground and background color of the current console cell. Here are the standard color codes:

 0|  0|  0|  0|BLACK
 2|190| 26| 36|RED
 3| 48|230|198|CYAN
 4|180| 26|226|PURPLE
 5| 31|210| 30|GREEN
 6| 33| 27|174|BLUE
 7|223|246| 10|YELLOW
 8|184| 65|  4|ORANGE
 9|106| 51|  4|BROWN
10|254| 74| 87|LIGHTRED
11| 66| 69| 64|GRAY1
13| 89|254| 89|LIGHTGREEN
14| 95| 83|254|LIGHTBLUE

CONVIDEO (40, 40 bytes) [RW]

Quick access to the character codes of the topmost/leftmost 10x4 cells of the console.

LID (80) [RW]

The ID of the current layer.

LCTL (81) [RW]

Control register of the current layer. SHIFTX0 (1) and SHIFTX1 (2) are used to shift its X offset (see LX). SHIFTY0 (4) and SHIFTY1 (8) are used to shift its Y offset (see LY). PXLCOLL (16) is set if collision detection should be pixel perfect (more accurate, but slower); if unset, its collision rectangle is used (approximate, but faster). ENABLE (128) is set if the layer is visible.

LX (82) [RW]

LY (82) [RW]

The offset added to the position of the current layer, shifted by LCTL:SHIFTX and LCTL:SHIFTY bits to the left. For example, if LX is 3 and SHIFTX is 2 (i.e. SHIFTX0 is 0 and SHIFTX1 is 1) the offset is 3 << 2 = 12.

SFRAME (84) [RW]

If the current layer is a sprite, its active frame.


If the current layer is a sprite, its current transformation relative to its reference point. Valid values are: NONE (0), ROT90 (5), ROT180 (3), ROT270 (6), MIRROR (2), MROT90 (7), MROT180 (1), MROT270 (4).

SCWITH (86) [RW]

Write the ID of a layer to check if the current layer collides with it; then read the result (0 means no collision).

TCOLLO (87) [RW]

TCOLHI (88) [RW]

TROWLO (89) [RW]

TROWHI (90) [RW]

If the current layer is a tiled layer, the current tile cell (HI*256+LO).

TCELL (91)

The tile id of the current tile cell.

REQDAT (96, 32 bytes)

Return values for some IO requests.



Here below you can find the syntax of the requests (and the corresponding results, when applicable). See the bgcol1 and bgcol2 demos for examples of how to send a request to the IO chip. After the request has been sent, REQRES contains 0 on success and 255 on failure (usually not tested). Results are available starting from REQDAT. Streaming requests (identified by a >) are not bounded. The other requests are bounded (255 bytes).

Optional values are delimited by [ and ]. ( and ) are used for grouping. * means repeat 0 or more times. + means repeat at least once. # means repeat with constraints. | means choice (priority is low). Datatype is U8 unless stated otherwise (by a tag preceded by :). For datatypes larger than 8 bits, the least significat byte comes first. Enumerated values are identified by C (for choice). Bitmasks are identified by O (for OR). Strings can be delimited by 0 (S0) or by the end of the request (S). When an argument has datatype T, the actual datatype is chosen by the user with DType: U8 (1), I8 (2), U16 (3) and I16 (4).

For the semantic of the requests, take a look at the demos or simply experiment using names as hints. Notes for the IPNGGEN request: using INDEXED COLOR causes a PLTE chunk to be generated (a pallette must be provided) and setting IDX0TRANSP causes a tRNS chunk to be generated. For more information see the PNG specification.




Get the elapsed time either since the epoch (1 Jan 1970) or the time the IO chip was reset. Resolution ranges from milliseconds to seconds.

Syntax: TIME(2) [RefTime=ABS [Fract=1000]] ; RefTime(C): ABS(1), RESET(2) ; Fract(C): 1(1), 10(2), 10(3), 1000(4) ; Result: Time:U64


Load (part of) a ROM resource into memory. At the moment, only "cga.rom" is available.

Syntax: LOADROM(6) Addr:U16 ResName:S0 [Offset:U16 Size:U16]


Delete every record from the store. Programs are kept.

Syntax: RSFORMAT(8) 121 33


Load a record from the store. At most Size bytes are read.

Syntax: RLOAD(9) Addr:U16 Size:U16 RecName:S0


Save a record into the store.

Syntax: RSAVE(10) Addr:U16 Size:U16 RecName:S0


Delete a record from the store.

Syntax: RDELETE(11) RecName:S0


Display and Imaging


Get information about the display.

Syntax: DPYINFO(16) ; Result: Width:U16 Height:U16 ColorDepth AlphaDepth Flags ; Flags(O): ISCOLOR(128), ISMIDP2(64)


Set the background color. Only used if BGCOL is set in the ENABLE register.

Syntax: SETBGCOL(17) PaletteEntry | Red Green Blue


Set the current palette. An empty palette resets the standard one.

Syntax: SETPAL(18)> (Red Green Blue)*


Set the background image. Only used if BGIMG is set in the ENABLE register. Once the request returns, the source image slot can be released / reused.

Syntax: SETBGIMG(19) ImageId


Release a specific image slot.

Syntax: IDESTROY(20) ImageId


Define which image slots are available (0..MaxImageId, initially 0..3).

Syntax: IDIM(21) MaxImageId


Get information about an image.

Syntax IINFO(22) ImageId ; Result: Width:U16 Height:U16 Flags ; Flags(O): ISMUTABLE(128)


Load an image from a resource included in the jar.

Syntax: ILOAD(23) ImageId ResName:S0


Create a dummy image with a user defined pattern. Might be useful for testing. Bg is the background color, Fg is the foreground color, Title is a short text used as a label. Width and Height refer to the size of a single Frame/Tile. Tiles can be spans of different colors.

Syntax(1): IDUMMY(24) ImageId Type=SIMPLE Width:U16 Height:U16 Bg Fg [Title:S] ; Syntax(2): IDUMMY(24) ImageId Type=SPRITE Width Height Frames Bg Fg [Title:S] ; Syntax(3): IDUMMY(24) ImageId Type=TILES Width Height Cols Rows Bg Fg (N Bg Fg)* ; Type(C): SIMPLE(1), SPRITE(2), TILES(3)


Generate an image using a packed representation. Data is a sequence of rows, each row is a sequence of pixels and each pixel is a sequence of bits. Each row is padded to a whole byte. If INDEXED COLOR is used, pixels are pointers to a palette preceding Data. If PALREF is set, palette entries are references to the current palette defined by the request SETPAL (or the standard palette). If IDX0TRANSP is set, ColorType must be INDEXED COLOR and pixels 0 are treated as transparent and the first palette entry is ignored.

Syntax: IPNGGEN(25)> ImageId Width:U16 Height:U16 Depth ColorType Flag [MaxPaletteEntry (PaletteEntry | Red Green Blue)#] Data# ; ColorType(C): GRAYSCALE(0), TRUECOLOR(2), INDEXED COLOR(3), GRAYSCALE ALPHA(4), TRUECOLOR ALPHA(6) ; Flags(O): IDX0TRANSP(1), PALREF(2), ZOOM0(4), ZOOM1(8), ZOOM2(16)


Create an empty mutable image. Deprecated.

Syntax: IEMPTY(26) ImageId Width:U16 Height:U16


Make an image immutable. Deprecated.

Syntax: IMKIMMUT(27) ImageId


Generate an image using data in RGBA8 format. If ALPHA is set, the alpha component is meaningful. Might be faster than IPNGGEN. Only available on MIDP2 phones.

Syntax: IRAWRGBA(28)> ImageId Width:U16 Height:U16 Flags (Red Green Blue Alpha)# ; Flags(O): ALPHA(128)


Layers (Game API)


Setup the layer manager so that: 1) a tiled layer is centered; or 2) a window is displayed

Syntax: LMVIEW(32) TiledLayerId | DType [X:T Y:T] Width:T Height:T


Set the position of the layer manager on the screen

Syntax: LMPOS(33) DType OX:T OY:T


Release a specific layer slot.

Syntax: LDESTROY(34) LayerId


Define which layer slots are available (0..MaxLayerId, initially 0..15).

Syntax: LDIM(35) MaxLayerId


Create a (tiled) layer. Each tile is TWidth x THeight pixels. Pixels for the tiles come from the source image. After the layer is created, the image can be destroyed. The layer is composed of Cols x Rows tiles. The last NAnimTiles ids (e.g. 254 and 255, NAnimTiles is 2) are dynamic and you can change the static id they point to using the LTLANIM request.

Syntax: LTILED(36) TiledLayerId ImageId TWidth THeight NAnimTiles DType Cols:T Rows:T


Create a (sprite) layer. Pixels for the sprite come from the source image. After the layer is created, the image can be destroyed. if Width x Height is provided, the sprite is composed of multiple frames. Use the SFRAME register to select the active one (initially 0).

Syntax: LSPRITE(37) SpriteId ImageId [Width Height]


Set the position of a layer.

Syntax: LSETPOS(38) LayerId DType X:T Y:T


Get the position of a layer.

Syntax: LGETPOS(39) LayerId ; Result: X:I32 Y:I32


Add a relative value to the position of a layer.

Syntax: LMOVE(40) LayerId DType DX:T DY:T


Set the priority of a layer (initially equal to its ID). This can be a fairly slow request, and should be avoided during the main loop.

Syntax: LSETPRI(41) LayerId DType Priority:T


Get the priority of a layer.

Syntax: LGETPRI(42) LayerId ; Result: Priority:I32


Change the id of the dynamic tile (initially 0). This is a fairly fast request, and can be safetly used during the main loop.

System: LTLANIM(43): TiledLayerId AnimTile StaticTile


Fill (part of) a tiled layer with a specific tile. When created, a tiled layer is filled with 0 (empty tile).

Syntax: LTLFILL(44) TiledLayerId Tile [DType Col:T Row:T NumCols:T NumRows:T]


Fill part of a tiled layer with tiles provided at the end of the request.

Syntax: LTLPUT(45)> TiledLayerId Col:U16 Row:U16 NumCols:U16 Tile*


Scroll the tiles within a rectangular region of a tiled layer. New tiles are filled with 0 (empty tile).

Syntax: LTLSCRLL(46) TiledLayerId ScrollType=0 DType Col:T Row:T NumCols:T NumRows:T DX:T DY:T


Create a (sprite) layer using an existing sprite as a template. On some phones, this might be more memory efficient than creating an idential sprite.

Syntax: LSPCOPY(47) SpriteId TemplateSpriteId


Syntax: LSPAPOS(48) SpriteId DType AbsX:T AbsY:T


Set the reference point of a sprite. Used as a pivot point for transformation and when setting the sprite position with LSPAPOS.

Syntax: LSPREFPX(49) SpriteId DType RefPixelX:T RefPixelY:T


Set the bounding box of a sprite. Used for approximate collision detection.

Syntax: LSPCLRCT(50) SpriteId DType CollRctOX:T CollRctOY:T CollRctWidth:T CollRctHeight:T


Setup a tiled layer using an image or a pre-defined tile set, and make it visible and current. The tiled layer is used to center the view.

Syntax: GAMESET(60) [(ImageId | TileSet=SILK) [Cols=0 Rows=0 [LayerId=1 [TWidth=0 THeight=0]]]] ; TileSet(C): SILK(255), FONT(254), MICRO(253) ; Result: Cols:U16 Rows:U16



WARNING: The effect API is poorly supported on most phones, and in some cases it might cause JBit to freeze. Experiment only after you have saved your work!


Play a tone for Duration * 10 milliseconds. Volume: 0-100.

Syntax: FXTONE(64) Duration Frequency Volume


Enable the vibra function for Duration * 10 milliseconds.

Syntax: FXVIBRA(65) Duration ; Result: Supported


Enable the flashlight function for Duration * 10 milliseconds.

Syntax: FXFLASH(66) Duration ; Result: Supported
