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This is the main documentation for JBit. Select the "About" item on the menu for the list of the key bindings.

JBit is a microcomputer in a phone, and with it you can learn and practice programming.

JBit is free, and does not require a data connection. However, it does come without any warranty and it requires dedication and time to be used. Even large programs like mini games can be done, but this requires some experience, the ability to plan ahead, and most likely the use of pencil and paper to organize the code.

If you don't have JBit already, I advise you to download it. Here is the URL of the main website together with its shortened version.

It is fairly lightweight and it should be accessible by most phones. If you have problems with it or want to save even more kilobytes of bandwith, a limited wap site is also available:



JBit 2.1.3

Device std replaces stdout. Completed FONT tileset. io2sim: Minimal GAMESET implementation.

JBit 2.1.2

io2sim: Images and IPNGGEN. MS-DOS minimal libretro frontend.

JBit 2.1.1

io2sim: Palette and console. Added device id in .jb header.

JBit 2.1.0

io2sim: libretro core and win32 IO2 simulator (MicroIO only for now). ZOOM2 flag.

JBit 2.0.3

The new GAMESET request replaces the old template.jb / JBitGameKit.

JBit 2.0.2

Basic TTY support in xv65. MicroIO ported to MS-DOS.

JBit 2.0.1

Record Store API. Android binaries (for terminals, no app). Removed js version.

JBit 2.0.0

Merged the J2ME, native and javascript repositories.

JBDoc-20130829 / 1.1.0

There is a new book: ioprg1.




If you have a fairly recent phone, this version should work and it is the recommended one.


If you have a recent (MIDP2) phone, but JBit is too big to run (or to download), this is another option.


This is for old (MIDP1) phones. You cannot write interactive, graphical games or generate images with it, and this version does not include the demos. However, it might be the only version that works with your phone. In the past, I have tested it on a real Nokia 3410 and it worked.



Select the "Books" item on the menu for the available documentation. JBDoc is a work in progress and the following list is subject to change.


This is a tutorial that has been written for (and used successfully by) people with no previous experience in programming. Once you understand it, you should be able to study the 6502 demos.


If you have some previous experience with assembly programming, this is a terse quick start, followed by some support tables. It should contain everything you need to know to get you started writing simple, small programs with JBit.


A guide on how to program the IO chip. There is an introduction to the GAMESET, IO requests, a fairly complete treatment of images and an introduction to sprites.


At the moment, just a short description of the Paint module.


A short description of the registers and requests of the IO chip. It is terse and it might not make sense to you at all. You can use it to try to decypher the IO1/IO2 demos.
